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Endless voyage towards innovation
German Technology V-TECH

V-TECH does neither constructing buildings nor manufacturing cars. V-TECH just provides innovative energy saving solutions that everyone can enjoy the sense of well-being such as feeling safe, comfort and healthy wherever you are. V-TECH's ecology is ultimately designed for abundant life by creating cleaner environment around you by reducing carbon emissions. The nano-coated 15-layered sputtering films help windows and properties keep their original looks longer by blocking hotspots around windows and maintaining interior illumination.

The endless voyage of V-TECH towards innovation will continue.

브이텍 필름 제품 경쟁력

  • Superior Technology
    독일의 금, 은, 티타늄, ITO 등을 사용한 세라믹 코팅 기술로 생산
  • Stable Quality
    온도, 습도 등이 일정한 미국 버지니아 클린룸 설비(CRMS)에서 제조되어 매우 균일한 품질
  • Reasonable Price
    합리적인 공급 가격 제공
  • Thorough Quality Assurance
    고객 Claim에 대한 신속한 처리와 최장 평생 품질 보증 서비스 제공
Window Tinting Film Car care Official supply to automobile manufacturer Overseas Development Projects
Development of franchise & Network For automotive and architecture film. Car care distribution business
Registered official Genuine Film Supplier of GM Korea since 2007

Registered official Genuine Film Supplier of Ssangyong Motor since 2007

additional registration being scheduled.

Projects for Overseas Development like KOICA(in progress)

세계적으로 인정받은 국제 인증 획득
